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LES MILLS On Demand (LMOD) er LES MILLS’ online fitness produkt som er laget for at du skal kunne trene og holde deg i form uansett hvor du er - Hjemme, ute, på jobb eller på ferie. Effektive økter som er vitenskapelig bevist å gi resultater. Velg mellom styrke, kardio, HIIT, dans, fleksibilitet, og mye mer. Tren med verdens beste instruktører - Når som helst, hvor som helst! Stream fra en TV, laptop, mobil eller tablet. Last ned økter på iOS og Android. Kompatibel med Chromecast og Airplay.
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Unlimited Access To 800+ Online Workouts!
- Body AttackBODYATTACK™ is a high-energy fitness class with moves that cater for total beginners to total addicts. We combine athletic movements like running, lunging and jumping with strength exercises such as push-ups and squats. This class will pump out energizing tunes and lead you through the workout – challenging your limits in a good way, burning up to 730 calories* and leaving you with a sense of achievement.
- Body PumpBODYATTACK™ is a high-energy fitness class with moves that cater for total beginners to total addicts. We combine athletic movements like running, lunging and jumping with strength exercises such as push-ups and squats. This class will pump out energizing tunes and lead you through the workout – challenging your limits in a good way, burning up to 730 calories* and leaving you with a sense of achievement.
- Body BalanceIdeal for anyone and everyone, BODYBALANCE™ is the yoga-based class that will improve your mind, your body and your life. During BODYBALANCE an inspired soundtrack plays as you bend and stretch through a series of simple yoga moves and embrace elements of Tai Chi and Pilates. Breathing control is a part of all the exercises, and instructors will always provide options for those just getting started. You’ll strengthen your entire body and leave the class feeling calm and centred.
- Body StepBasic stepping, just like walking up and down stairs, is at the heart of BODYSTEP™ – a full-body cardio workout to really tone your butt and thighs. If you fancy quicker stepping and the chance to showcase your rhythm and flair then BODYSTEP is the way to go. There are always lots of options to get you through the workout safely. In a BODYSTEP Athletic class you combine basic stepping with moves like burpees, push ups and weight plate exercises to work the upper body.
- Body CombatStep into a BODYCOMBAT workout and you’ll punch and kick your way to fitness, burning up to 740 calories* along the way. This high-energy martial-arts inspired workout is totally non-contact and there are no complex moves to master. A LES MILLS™ instructor will challenge you to up the intensity and motivate you to make the most of every round. You’ll release stress, have a blast and feel like a champ. BODYCOMBAT is available as either a 55- minute workout, 30-minute express workout and an online exclusive Remix workout.
- Les Mills GritLES MILLS GRIT™ is a 30-minute high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workout, designed to improve strength and build lean muscle. This workout comes in 3 varieties; cardio, strength and plyo. LES MILLS GRIT takes cutting edge HIIT and combines it with powerful music and inspirational coaches motivating you to go harder to get fit, fast.
- Step 1Få en gratis prøveperiode i handlekurven når du handler etter MyProtein (ingen minimumskjøp)
- Step 2Følg instruksjonene og lenken du finner på e-posten som ble sendt med Myprotein-kjøpet.
- Step 3Registrer deg på Les Mills On Demand og nyt å kunne trene i ditt eget hjem med en gratis prøveperiode på 30 dager!